Continuing Education Requirement
Upon completion of all parts of the CMA exam, you will be required to complete 30 hours of continuing education annually, 2 hours of which must be in the area of Ethics. Reporting of continuing education is done in conjunction with the annual recertification invoice. Credit will be given for subjects relevant to a management accountant’s or financial manager’s career development and related to employer needs. The ICMA grants credit for programs sponsored by education organizations, employers, business organizations, and professional and trade associations. Programs may be in the form of college courses, seminars, workshops, technical meetings, self-study packages, or on-line courses. Further details can be found at IMAChina@imanet.org
在通过美国注册管理会计师所有考试科目之后,您需要每年完成为期 30 个小时的继续教育,其中必须包括 2小时的职业道德教育。继续教育报告是同美国管理会计师协会会员资格的年度评估结合在一起的。我们将为管理会计师或者财务经理的职业发展有关的主题或者同雇主需要有关的主题授予学分。管理会计师协会将向教育组织、雇主、企业组织和专家或者行业协会赞助的项目授予学分。项目可以通过大学课程、研讨会、学习小组、技术会议、自学考试大纲或者在线课程等形式展开。欲了解详情,请访问 IMAChina@imanet.org 。 |